Reunion with the family
I have been meaning to post this video to this page. The hardest part of being in New York for a month was not being able to see and play...
Kris Jenkins
I have been meaning to post this video to this page. The hardest part of being in New York for a month was not being able to see and play...
I have worked my last shift here in New York City. The past month has definitely been one of the most challenging and stressful months of...
This past week has been a different kind of chaos. We have been starting in different make-shift ICU's and been transferring all of our...
I have mentioned one of the biggest improvements that I have seen since I have been here is the amount of nurses there are to help...
Up to this point everyday that I have had off has only been a partial day off. I have still worked some part of the day. Yesterday was my...
I finished off the week having the same patients for the last 4 shifts. This was really nice to treat the same couple people each night...
So I have read several different articles and posts claiming that Covid-19 is somehow a conspiracy. I am not getting political or getting...
When I returned to work things had taken a turn for the worst during the day shift. They had lost 4 patients. 1 of these patients was my...
My shift last night felt a lot like when I first got here. There was a lot of action going on throughout the unit all night. I was...
I was back in the covid ICU last night. I was assigned my youngest patient since I have been here. A 20 year old male. I was 1 on 1 with...
Today is my day off for the week, so I thought I would kind of describe what my daily routine looks like starting with shift change when...
For the first time since I have arrived I worked on a different unit. I worked on the non-covid ICU. The night and shift definitely had...
I would like to mention a couple of positive things that have happened just in the couple weeks I have been here. The first thing is...
I have been here for about a week and a half. I took this assignment because I truly felt it was a calling to come and help the people of...
My shift started off with some drama. When I went to get my surgical gown at the beginning of my shift there were none to be found. I...
For some reason I was more tired during my shift last night than I have been the rest of my time here. I'm sure I'll be getting a second...
I started my shift with 2 patients, both vented and sedated and I ended my shift with 3 patients!! Which means for the first time since I...
I had my first day off today. It was nice to get some extra sleep and let my back and nose rest. The mask has definitely taken a toll on...
So I am about to write another pretty sad post. All my shifts so far have been very similar in tragedy. Talking with a bunch of other...
What is super cool is each day the people of New York bang pots and pans and cheer for the healthcare workers at the 1900 shift change....